

Settings is a specialty shop featuring a contemporary bridal & gift registry, unique invitations and unusual decor items for holidays, parties and seasonal events. I can sum up owner, Mandy Davis, with one word – “fearless”. She allowed me complete freedom to create ads that would get her store noticed and remembered. Not many clients are trusting enough to afford me such leeway. The ads were an instant hit – often being mentioned by the customers when they visited the store. They were so successful, in fact, that a competitor changed their ads to copy ours. I guess it’s true that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Inspired by the first catch phrase we created, “THIS is not your Grandmother’s china!”, we created an irreverent series of monthly ads combining vintage black and white photos with a bright green spiral background and product images. The results were hilarious and memorable. The ads stand as some of my funniest if not finest, and hold the record for the longest running campaign we have produced.