
Case Studies

Some projects transcend simple online photos, and require the back story. Likewise certain clients that we have worked with for years present a body of work that speaks more as a whole rather than any one example. Here you can learn a bit about the clients and the projects as we provide a more in depth look.

Promotional Materials

One of our specialties is providing promotional materials for Special Events. We’ve had extensive experience producing posters, ads, banners, announcements, invitations, programs, etc. for Festivals, Charity Events, Concerts, Theatres, Musical Shows and more.


The business of selling – The bread and butter of most marketing firms. Ads either sell your brand or your product, but strive to drive consumer behavior. Here are some examples that have been particularly successful.

Collateral Material

This is by far the most diverse category – covering most everything not overtly promotional or an ad. Marketing collateral differs from advertising in that it is generally used later in the sales cycle in support of the product or service.


We partner with a number of trusted website developers to produce excellent websites. We provide Creative and Art Direction for the sites but rely on our partners for the coding and technical aspects. Here are a variety of sites we have created for a very diverse clientèle.

Digital Image Enhancement

One of the more entertaining things we do is Digital Image Enhancement. Here you’ll find some remarkable examples of our creativity and skills with Adobe Photoshop.


We can work with a variety of media – by hand or computer – to achieve a wide spectrum of illustrative styles. We also have sources for other talented illustrators that compliment and supplement our skills.